Virgin Logo                      
Competition brief for the Virgin Group. To create three visually interesting stories for a staff communication piece to explain their brand values.

The brief was to produce a finished product/mock up for one story and concepts for the other two. I won a silver award for my solution.

Judges Comments

“Steven Parry has developed a well thought out solution in response to the Brief Cases student competition Virgin brief. His work demonstrates that he has sound principles in place for a great future ahead.”
Brian Webb, MD, Webb and
Webb Design.

“This is a lovely way to inspire “insatiable curiosity”. It has definitely been well considered with a clearly articulated rationale. This solution could be applied across the channels from online to office space.”
Thom Stebbings, Consumer Insight Manager, Virgin.

Vigin Insatiable Curiosity Graphic - Created by Steven Parry -

Virgin Value: Insatiable Curiosity—Finished Graphic

Virgin Insatiable Curiosity Mural - Created by Steven Parry -

Finished Graphic In Context

Alternative Printed Version

Virgin Insatiable Curiosity Booklet 1 - Created by Steven Parry -

Virgin Insatiable Curiosity Booklet 2 - Created by Steven Parry -

Virgin Insatiable Curiosity Booklet 3 - Created by Steven Parry -

Other Concepts

Virgin Smart Disruption - Created by Steven Parry -

Virgin Value: Smart Disruption 

Virgin Red Hot - Created by Steven Parry -

Virgin Value: Red Hot 
   All graphics and images © 2014–2020 Steven Christopher Parry unless otherwise stated                                                                                                         Design & Coding: Steven Parry — Updated: August 2020