Filming The Whole London Underground Network
BA (Hons) Graphic Design UCA
Final Major Project.

Using motion photography to show the entire tube network, I aim to show the dynamic nature and aesthetics of everyday journeys that may be missed in the stress and strain of regular commuting.

An accompanying 56 page publication has been produced to show, in more detail, the aspects of these journeys.


Between The Lines Cover - Created by Steven Parry - Between The Lines Publication - Created by Steven Parry - www.stevenparry.netBetween The Lines Publication - Created by Steven Parry - Between The Lines Publication - Created by Steven Parry - Between The Lines Publication - Created by Steven Parry -


   All graphics and images © 2014–2020 Steven Christopher Parry unless otherwise stated                                                                                                         Design & Coding: Steven Parry — Updated: August 2020