Vine Image

                                            A competition              brief for Hallmark. The brief was to produce an illustration or pattern that could be used commercially using the tropical trend.

Sketchbook Cover
Vine ruler

Cheeky Monkey Main Image Enlarghed Character Image

                       Full Illustration                                 The illustration features four specially created characters along with jungle scenery. It is intended to be bright and eyecatching with a fun element that will appeal to children and encourage their creativity.


Vine Image

                                 Spreads                                       The sketchbook is mainly filled with blank pages for doodling and sketching. To encourage and inspire there are interleaved a number of characters from the illustration that can be copied, and a number of scenery items to be coloured in.


Vine Ruler

                         Accompanying the sketchbook is a pencil or pen with one of the characters, 'Funky Monkey' wrapping around.
